Archives for 2022
- Tuesday, September 27, 2022
national petition to ban glyphosate in Canada
until January 13, 2022
An official, national petition to ban glyphosate in Canada was launched last week. It goes for 120 days until January 13. Please sign and share big time!
click on "sign the petition" at the bottom
- Thursday, September 22, 2022
Pesticide survey by the City of Regina
Pesticide survey by the City of Regina
Pesticide survey by the City of Regina
- Tuesday, March 1, 2022
SNAP Action Regina
March 10th, 2022 deadline for registering to speak to the motion on cosmetic pesticides
SNAP Action Regina: March 10th, 2022 noon deadline for registering to speak to the motion on cosmetic pesticides
Following is the letter from Counselor Stadnichuk as well as the motion she is presenting to City Council regarding cosmetic pesticides.
from Regina City Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk
hello everyone,
I want to update you on the status of my motion on cosmetic pesticides Stadnichuk's Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides. I spoke to key city staff about the motion and with other Councillors who support the motion (Stevens, Leblanc, Findura). Shanon Zachidniak is also supporting the motion and the Clerk will add her name before it is put on the agenda. We need 6 Councillors to vote in favour for it to pass. I think Bob Hawkins, Jason Mancinelli and possibly the Mayor may support it.
I revised the motion and will introduce it at our City Council meeting on March 2nd, and it will be debated at the following Council meeting on March 16.
On March 16 you (and hopefully other supporters) can speak to Council. Council starts at 1 pm and the motion will be towards the end of the meeting. The deadline to let the Clerk's Office know that you want to speak to the motion is March 10th Thursday at noon. Information on how to do that is here: City of Regina | City Council & Committee Meetings
If for someone reason you cannot speak on the 16th, you can submit something in writing and it will be part of the official public record.
Process coming from motion:
In my discussions with city staff, we talked about how best to proceed. The staff felt that it was premature to ask for a bylaw and that public consultation would be important step.. Therefore I amended the motion to call for a report from the city administration and for the city to do public consultation. This gives us the opportunity to build some public support before the report comes back to Council in Quarter 4 (around October). The report will outline what actions the city administration will recommend to Council, including a bylaw.
I don't know if you want to hold another zoom call or if we want to talk about doing some kind of public educational event. Last time we spoke there was interest in having someone write letters to the editor or opinion pieces. One news story coming up is Nature Regina's announcement that Regina has been accepted as a Bird-Friendly City. One of the requirements in that status is to work on dangers to birds, including banning cosmetic pesticides.