• Learn About Pesticides in Foods
  • Driving Near Recently Sprayed Fields Exposes People to Pesticides
  • LIving Near Fields Increases Pesticide Exposure
  • Weeds Can Be Managed Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Grow a Lush Garden Organically
  • Learn About Colony Collapse Disorder and How to Protect Bees
  • SNAP Display at Event
  • Learn To Manage Weeds Without Chemical Pesticides
  • SNAP Tour of Organic Vegetable Garden
  • Link to SK Organic Resources



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Endocrine Disruption  also see endocrine disruptionneonicotinoids 

Key Scientist Resigns from PMRA'a Scientific Advisory Committee (Safe Foods Matter, 13 July 2023) The article links to Dr Lanphear's letter of resignation.     Dr. Bruce P. Lanphear, MD, MPH, has resigned from the PMRA’s newly created Scientific Advisory Committee (the SAC). The SAC was created by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) in 2022 as parts of its Transformation Agenda, and was touted recently as acting in an “advisory role” to PMRA.    A link to Dr. Lanphear’s resignation letter is below. Some points he makes are:

  • The terms of reference were inadequate, and too restrictive – more restrictive than those of the Pest Management Advisory Council, which improperly allows industry representatives.
  •  He worries that the SAC was providing a false sense of security that PMRA is protecting Canadians.
  •  PMRA is using old assumptions, like “all pesticides are necessary”. Some scientists disagree, and youth believe pesticides should be banned, used as a last resort, or used sparingly.
  • PMRA prefers toxicology studies and science that conforms to the methods it currently uses. PMRA does not address biomonitoring or human studies.
  • PMRA makes conclusions like “no health effects” without adequate data.
  • Substitution of one toxic pesticide with another shows we can’t rely on an 'obsolete regulatory system that protects the pest industry more than it protects Canadians.'

Dr. Lanphear was Co-Chair of the SAC, and an extremely prestigious expert, having published over than 300 scientific original research and commentaries in peer-reviewed journals, including the prestigious, high-impact Science, Journal of the American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal Open, and The Lancet. He was deputy editor to five subject-relevant scientific journals since 2000.   We are very sad to see him go. We think it shows the “Transformation Agenda” has transformed very little at PMRA

Government of Canada moves forward on commitments to strengthen the pesticide review process (Health Canada News release, June 20, 2023)   'Following consultation with stakeholders to better understand Canadians’ expectations about the pesticide regulatory review process and its transparency, Health Canada has restarted the science-based process of evaluating acceptable increases to pesticide residue limits, in line with international guidelines.'     Nice words and hope from the minister:“Today, a new approach was put forward to eliminate the non-essential, cosmetic use of pesticides on federal lands. Our commitment to leading by example through the Greening Government Strategy is not just about the fight against climate change, but also about protecting biodiversity and greenspaces. This amendment will put these goals into action and further expand our efforts.” The Honourable Mona Fortier, President of the Treasury Board of Canada. SSNB response to Min He on glyphosate june 23

Pest Management Regulatory Agency 2020 2021 Annual Report (Health Canada, 2021)      'Sales of pest control products in Canada have increased from 101.1 million kg of active ingredients (kg a.i.) in 2014 to 121.3 million kg a.i. in 2018 (Figure 2). In 2018, 71.1% of pesticide sales in Canada were agricultural sector products (Figure 3), whereas 24.3% were non-agricultural sector products, and 4.5% were domestic sector products. Figure 2. Quantity of pesticides sold in Canada (2014–2018)  Glyphosate remained the top active ingredient sold in Canada in 2018 (Table 1). Six of the top 10 active ingredients sold in 2018 had been among the top 10 selling active ingredients since 2014. These top 10 active ingredients accounted for 68.7% of all pesticides sold in Canada in 2018. (p.11)    SNAP Comment: An pesticide use increase of 16.65% in the active ingredient glyphosate use in 5 years. Lots of interesting gems in this report.

Une réelle évaluation scientifique des pesticides commercialisés s’impose (Louise Vandelac, Marie-Hélène Bacon, Thibault Rhen, Pascal Priori et Lise Parent, Le Devoir, 29 June 2022)     Discusses the PMRA's attempt to increase allowable residual levels of glyphosate in foods and the subsequent Health Canada public consultation on pesticide evaluation. So far, the consultations were on minor points without indicating a real desire to review the basis of evaluation, which is currently to evaluate only active ingredients one by one, and not formulations, For instance, we know that glyphosate formulations can be up to 1000 times more toxic than glyphosate itself and that several formulations contain heavy metals, even occasionally arsenic, and POEAs banned in Europe since 2016.   One has to file a public information request to get sales information for individual pesticides. Documents about sales of pesticides related to Parkinson's arrived heavily redacted and illegible.   While a court decision forced Health Canada to make clinical data on drugs available, registration studies for pesticides are still secret and unavailable.

Advancing consideration of endocrine-disrupting chemicals under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999    Chemicals Management Plan Science Committee. Committee report – July 18-19 2018

Submission to Health Canada’s “targeted review” of pesticide regulation (Centre for Health, Science and Law, 30 June 2022)

'I am concerned that the limited scope of the consultation reflects a failure of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency, acting on your behalf, to address what appears to be a regulatory capture by the companies that they are mandated to regulate or, most charitably, a coincidentally strong impulse toward:   • approving pesticides by multiple techniques that are biased in favour of chemical companies and against studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals;   • systematically forgiving regulatory violations by large companies;   • concealing from public scrutiny records held in scientific evaluation packages; and   • parsing-out information in a manner that reflects a tendency to surveil health and environmental protection advocates rather than proactively disclosing records.'    SNAP comments: 12 excellent recommendations starting on p. 5. I would add to recommendation 11.Report pesticide sales data in the normal sense of the word. Not only are total aggregate sales needed, but also sales per province, which the PMRA also considers confidentiona information. 

Why Did Health Canada Change Their Mind About Neonics?   (Canadian Wildlife Federation blog, May 18, 2022)   In 2018, the PMRA recommended that ALL agricultural, ornamental and greenhouse uses be cancelled and phased out over a three to five year period.  This is why, in spring 2021, we were shocked when Health Canada did a complete about-face. Suddenly, these pesticides that were so hazardous to aquatic life that their use needed to be terminated, were deemed “largely acceptable with some mitigation.”    The agricultural chemical industry provided the PMRA with additional data on contamination levels in the prairies, and these data were used by the federal government to base their reversal decision. While that is not in and of itself a bad thing, these data are now considered to be proprietary by the government. 

EPA's failure to act on endocrine disruptors which threaten public health   'Despite operating for 21 years, the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) has made little progress in reviewing and regulating endocrine-disrupting pesticides. As of 2019, the program has stalled entirely.'      Canada: As of July 2017, and in spite of international commitment, we were not doing much either. 

Update on the Neonicotinoid Pesticides (Government of Canada, 30 September 2020)

Scientific Justification to Address Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs): A Roadmap for Action A Submission to the 2016-2017 Parliamentary Review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) (by Canadian Ennvironmental Law Asssociation and other groups,31 July 2017)  'A number of limitations within the risk based approach for chemicals assessment and management that are applied by many countries including Canada that prevent an effective approach to identify, assess and manage many chemicals, particularly EDCs... Regulatory regimes for chemicals under CEPA and for pesticides under the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA) rely on traditional toxicological testing, assessment and risk management. This framework is not amenable to reliably detect and respond to scientific evidence related to the long-term health effects of exposures to EDCs. Special techniques and decision-making framework are needed for EDCs...Chemical assessment assumes that observations of “no adverse effect” when a chemical is tested at levels above environmental levels (possibly 100 to 3000-fold or higher concentrations) means that the chemical is “safe” at lower concentrations. Thus, environmentally relevant testing may not occur, despite knowledge that EDCs can cause effects at low doses or concentrations, that do not manifest at higher levels.' also read the quotes under Canada’s commitment on EDCs under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and the answer 'Canada’s position that endocrine disruptors may induce effects that are not necessarily adverse is problematic, as early life exposure to endocrine disruptors may have delayed adverse effects that are not necessarily endpoints in traditional toxicological testing'

Technical approach for "rapid screening" of substances of lower ecological concern, Appendix B   (Date modified: 2017-04-19)

ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS UPDATE, (Prepared by:Christine Labelle, Science and Technology Division, 10 August 2000) very old! summary mention of organochlorines and pesticides.


Health Canada Bans Chlorpyrifos (Media release, Safefood Matters, 17 May 2021)     'The Agency quietly issued a three-year plan to ban late last week.... The Canadian policy and advocacy group Safe Food Matters Inc. (SFM) led a network of 10 public interest groups in a formal Notice of Objection to the PMRA’s December 2020 Environmental Impact Assessment approving ongoing use of Chlorpyrifos. SFM’s President Mary Lou McDonald, an environmental lawyer, commented: “PMRA’s environmental risk assessment on the chemical did not use proper methods of science, and PMRA was late to the party in seeing the dangerous health effects. This is not protecting Canadians from the risks of pesticides.   Health Canada needs its own and better resources to properly assess risks, instead of relying on the assumptions and science fed to it by corporations and then relying on NGOs to tell them where they are wrong. The current system isn’t working.”

Has Ottawa sold out to Big Agro and its toxic chemicals?   (By Bruce Livesey, Canada's National Observer, July 25th 2017)  (#1 of 2 articles from the Special Report: Bureau of Poison) SNAP Comment: If pesticides work, why are we using more and more every year? Well researched article. 'According to Statistics Canada, the area of farmland treated with herbicides, insecticides and fungicides increased by 3 per cent, 42 per cent and 114 per cent respectively between 2001 and 2011. In Canada, 100 million kilograms of pesticides were sold in Canada in 2014 – up from 82 million kilograms in 2009.'... 'However, the Auditor General of Canada has carried out three investigations... into the PMRA since 2003 — and found it wanting.' 'In response to the Auditor’s 2015 report, last year the PMRA announced it was going to stop giving conditional registrations – but only on new pesticides, not those currently on the market. This winter, Health Canada began considering phasing out one class of neonicsimidacloprid, due to its impact on aquatic insects – but only over a three-to-five year time frame. ' "Rarely will (PMRA) take a pesticide off the market,” says Cooper. “They will tweak the label or they will add additional requirements or mitigation for the workers or application rates… But you never get to ‘Boy, this thing is bad news’.”    'But more significantly, the PMRA uses a “risk-based” assessment model that critics believe ensures no pesticide could ever be banned. But more significantly, the PMRA uses a “risk-based” assessment model that critics believe ensures no pesticide could ever be banned. '... 'Back in Alvinston, Ontario, Munro Honey continues to struggle to keep its bees alive. While queen bees used to last three to four years, Munro finds now they usually only live a year. '

Ottawa ignoring hazards of top pesticides sold in Canada   (By Bruce Livesey, Canada National Observer, August 9th 2017)  (#2 of 2 articles from the Special Report: Bureau of Poison)   "and instead of coming up with better chemistry or more organic methods or whatever, (the PMRA) just replace bad chemistry with bad chemistry. And that happens repeatedly." Cooper says. This article presents the research and evidence on three case studies. Atrazine: birth defects and other health effects. 500,000 kg/yr is used in Canada where it contaminates water in several provinces including SK. The article also looks at neonicotinoids: more than 300,000 kilograms of neonics are used on Canadian crops every year with documented widespread contamination and effects on bees. It presents evidence that the PMRA is relying on poor industry studies for their pesticide assessment. and finally Glyphosate (the most popular herbicide sold in the world and in Canada - where over 25 million kilograms is used every year in 700 herbicide formulations.) 'Glyphosate is now found in food, drinking water and other beverages, honey, etc. A study in Germany last year found that 99.6 per cent of those (people) tested had traces of glyphosate in their blood.'  'As noted in Part One of our investigation into the PMRAcritics of the agency say it turns a blind eye to evidence that popular herbicides and insecticides are causing massive impacts on the environment and to human health. They accuse the PMRA of, in effect, being “captured” by the very agrochemical companies it’s supposed to be overseeing, such as SyngentaBayerDow-Dupont, Monsanto and BASF.'

Popular nicotine-based pesticides pose risk to aquatic insects: Health Canada  (By Kelsey Johnson, ipolitics, Aug 15, 2018)  'Scott Kirby, director general for Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency, told reporters the phasing out of all outdoor uses of the neonicotinoid pesticides (thiamethoxam and clothianadinwould occur over three to five years, once the ban is approved. Midges and mayflies are a key food source for birds and fish. The agency started its review of the two pesticides in November 2016. The length of the phase-out, currently subject to a 90-day consultation period, will depend upon whether alternative products are available. PMRA proposed a ban on outdoor uses of imidacloprid in November 2016 amid concerns about the health of mayflies and midges. A final decision is expected in December 2018, Kirby said. None of the proposed bans are currently in effect. All are subjected to public consultation. Final decisions on whether to ban thiamethoxam and clothianadin are expected in 2019.'  SNAP Comment: In their own words, it does not matter how toxic a product is, it has to have a replacement "product' before it is banned. In the meantime, God forbid they ever consider that the 'product' may not be needed at all under other methods of farming that protect biodiversity. The good news is that we can still contribute comments to the public consultation.  Also see  fact sheet/neonicotinoids.

New Pest Control Products Act (Canada)  The new Pest Control Products Act (2002) received Royal Assent on December 12, 2002, and came into force on June 28, 2006. It is easier to access the Act through this government of Canada site. Scroll down the page for links.

Other related Acts and regulations: The PMRA must also consider other Acts, such as the Pesticide Residue Compensation Act (PRCA) and the Food and Drugs Act (FDA), which have an impact on pest management. In addition, the PMRA follows the Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act as an enforcement tool for the PCPA. Scroll down the page for links. Canadian Environmental Protection Act: guidelines and objectives


NOTE: The whole Health Canada web site has been redesigned, including the PMRA's. Much important information is under 'registrants' section. The A-Z index is not useful for anything other than general public information. Searches should be directed as such: PMRA and DIR for directives, PMRA and REG for registration decisions, PMRA and REV for re-evaluation, or scroll down to Additional information/reports and publications, then Decisions and updates. Please do not assume I have the latest information on regulations or other government documents. I suggest that you google 'Pest Control Products Regulations amendments' to ensure you have the latest version.

Label searches can be accessed here

PMRA Decisions and Updates

If you cannot find what you are looking for, contact:

Pest Management Information Service
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
Health Canada
2720 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Address Locator: 6606D2
K1A 0K9

E-mail: pmra.infoserv@hc-sc.gc.ca
Telephone: 613-736-3799
Toll-free: 1-800-267-6315
Facsimile: 613-736-3798
Teletypewriter: 1-800-267-1245 (Health Canada)

Suscribe to various update services (Health Canada) such as Pesticides and Pest Management: All new publications, including regulatory documents, fact sheets and other important updates related to pesticide regulation predominantly published by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency will be posted by this RSS feed and many others.

Canada ends 'weed-n-feed'   The PMRA, Canada's agency in charge of pesticide regulation, made a bold move this week, announcing the phaseout of all pesticide and fertilizer combination products by December 2012 (PanUps, Feb19, 2010)

In Canada, Feds Use False Sound Science to Regulate Carcinogens(Jun. 12, 2006)

 List of Formulants 2010 replace List of Formulants 2007 which is no longer available on the internet and, in turn, replaced Regulatory Note REG2005-01, PMRA List of Formulants. In this version, a list of formulant trade names, usually formulant mixtures, has been added to the list of single substance formulants.   

The list is apparently now updated twice/year(2019) links and more on formulants

more on legislation under bylaws


Canada p2

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also see pesticides in food p 1 and 2, Legislation/regulatory/ Europe, filed under Legislation/Regulatory/ international,  pesticide fact sheets:Polyfluorinated pesticides and PFAsneonicotinoids p2,  Industry Shenanigans

Inside Quebec's fight over bee-killing pesticides   (National Observer, By Marc Fawcett-Atkinson, January 31st 2025)    'Spooked by Labrie's warnings, the government started looking for neonics — and found them in 100 per cent of the Quebec waterways they tested.      (Labrie) told the crowd that her research showed neonic-treated seeds didn't boost yields, except in exceptional circumstances. Neonic-treated seeds also harm predatory insects like ground beetles that Michon relied on to kill pests naturally...  Initially, he (farmer) struggled to find untreated seeds. But everything changed by 2019, when Quebec introduced groundbreaking rules banning neonics, including treated seeds, unless prescribed by an agronomist. The rules were a North American first and marked a rare defeat for Canada's $2.5-billion pesticide industry which has lobbied fiercely to keep neonic use widespread nationwide.   After the ban, the pesticide companies launched another backdoor attack: they replaced their neonic seed coatings with diamides — a group of insecticides particularly deadly to ecologically important aquatic organisms. Within a year, diamides were showing up in provincial pesticide water monitoring data.    This month, to close that loophole, Quebec banned the use of all insecticide-coated seeds unless prescribed by an agronomist. The ban is a Canadian first. The restrictions will come into force this August to align with the 2026 seed-buying season, said Jacques Fadous, an agronomist with the province's environment ministry...But the most intense resistance to her research came from her bosses at CÉROM, giving her a key role in the so-called "Louis Robert" scandal that rocked Quebec in 2018. Robert,a career agronomist with the province's agriculture ministry,was fired after leaking an internal briefing note to reporters. The note outlined how CÉROM's then-president Christian Overbeek and other executives tried to stop Labrie and her colleagues from talking about their neonic findings.  The situation got so bad that Labrie and several colleagues resigned in 2017.     Public outrage over the case led Premier François Legault to apologize publicly and offer Robert his job back or compensation.      An investigation by Quebec's Auditor General slammed Overbeek for overstepping ethics rules and violating provincial conflict of interest provisions by trying to silence Labrie and her colleagues. Following the scandal, the Quebec government replaced the organization's executive board and restructured the organization.'

Conclusion of the Transformation Agenda: Nothing Transformed ( Safe food Matters blog, 10 August 2024)  Llinks and details in original article.  On August 4, 2021, Health Canada announced:

  • it was pausing proposed increases to pesticide Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs), including for glyphosate
  • the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) would receive $42 million over three years “to further strengthen its human and environmental health and safety oversight and protection”- the Transformation Agenda.

Three years later, and $42 million later, nothing has been transformed. The PMRA is consulting on 4 proposed regulations, that do NOT strengthen protection from pesticides. Two of them do nothing, and two actually make matters worse.        Consultation Deadline:  midnight EST, August 24, 2024.

Health, workers' and environmental groups welcome cancellation of fluorinated pesticide (Prevent Cancer Now, December 2024)     Flufenacet—a herbicide that releases persistent, toxic TFA—is being phased out.  On October 30, Norwegian scientists published that TFA poses a global threat as it is omnipresent, and rapidly, irreversibly accumulating in water. Pesticides containing TFA are increasingly being developed and marketed to farmers in Canada. TFA and other persistent chemicals, are found in drinking water, foods, and the human body. These fluorine-containing chemicals have been linked to a range of adverse outcomes including cancers, liver damage, and low infant birth weight.     In 2021, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) re-evaluated flufenacet and proposed to cancel its registration due to unacceptable risks to human health. Despite mounting pressure from industry to back down, the final re-evaluation decision, issued last Friday, confirmed cancellation of all products containing flufenacet.    Meg Sears, Chair, Prevent Cancer Now stated: “Let’s applaud one hazardous pesticide being phased out over three years, but also recognize that this is a drop in the bucket."

Auditor general says Alberta's enforcement of pesticide rules needs 'significant improvement'
Auditor found records of illegal pesticide sales, little oversight of applications (CBC News, Mar 23, 2022)       'In a report released Tuesday, Auditor General Doug Wylie found people and businesses may have sold 80 products in 2018 that were illegal in Canada and that inspectors aren't checking whether the people applying pesticides are properly certified.     The auditor general also found admissions where people had applied too much pesticide near bodies of water, or applied pesticides in unsafe weather conditions, which went unnoticed by the ministry of environment and parks...   He also said the provincial government's list of registered pesticides is out of date and inaccurate...  When Wylie's staff reviewed the site, they found about 1,000 legal products missing, and 700 products included that the federal government now prohibits in Canada. The environment department told the auditor general it was working on updating the list...  Alberta stopped proactive inspections of pesticide applicators in 2017, which Wylie said is out of step with many other provinces. He raised concerns, too, with a lack of compiling and publicly posting the measured levels of pesticides in water...  The report said the environment department's pesticide regulatory program has three employees. Whether that's enough personnel to adequately run the program is a question for the government, Wylie said.'

Supplementary PCN submission re. NOI2023-01 on pesticide regulation (Prevent Cancer Now, September 8, 2023)   Re: NOI2023-01 Consultation on strengthening the regulation of pest control products in Canada    These notes are supplementary to and in no way detract from the joint submission. Here we provide additional information and views based on our experiences, relevant to the four points raised in NOI2023-01.

  1. Facilitate access to confidential test data CTD, including for research and re-analysis purposes;
  2.  Increase transparency for maximum residue limits MRL applications for imported food products
  3. Give the Minister the explicit authority to require the submission of available information on cumulative environmental effects and require the Minister to consider cumulative effects on the environment during risk assessments where information and methodology are available 
  4. Strengthen consideration of species at risk in risk assessments by giving the Minister the explicit authority to require submission of available information on species at risk        SNAP Comment: this submission points out current lacks in the regulations and has worthwhile suggestions on each point.

UK fails to ban 36 harmful pesticides outlawed for use in EU (The Guardian, 13 September 2023) Campaigners say Britain becoming ‘toxic poster child of Europe’ and accuse ministers of breaking Brexit promise on standards     'Thirty of the 36 were allowed for use in the EU when the UK left on 31 January 2020 but have since been banned by the bloc, and the remaining six have been approved by the UK government but not the EU since then. Of these chemicals, 12 have been classified as carcinogens, nine have been found to be endocrine disruptors, which interfere with hormones and are linked to infertility, and eight are developmental or reproductive toxins that have also been linked to fertility problems. Two are cholinesterase inhibitors that can impair the respiratory system, and one is classified as acutely toxic.'         Link to the list (pdf) at the bottom of  UK falling behind EU pesticide standards (Pan UK, 13 Setember 2023)   Of those, 14 are still registered in Canada as of 13 September 2023:  5 are carcinogens, 3 are developmental or reproductive Toxin, 6 are Endocrine Disruptor (EDC), 1 is highly bee toxic and 1 is a ground water contaminant. The ones underlined have the most products registered.

  • Bispyribac (2 products, herbicide: no environmental or health issue noted), 
  • Bromadiolone (30, rodenticide: Developmental or Reproductive Toxin, High Acute Toxicity),
  • Cloquintocet-mexyl (9, all technical),
  • Cyprosulfamide (1 technical),
  • Etridiazole (5,fungicide: Carcinogen, Endocrine Disruptor (EDC))
  • Famoxadone (2, fungicide), 
  • Fenbuconazole ( 2 fungicide: Carcinogen, Endocrine Disruptor (EDC))
  • Flutriafol ( 3, fungicide: Endocrine Disruptor (EDC)), 
  • Ipconazole (13, fungicide: Ground Water Contaminant), 
  • Mancozeb (27, fungicide:Carcinogen, Endocrine Disruptor (EDC), Developmental or Reproductive Toxin), 
  • Myclobutanil (4, fungicide: Endocrine Disruptor (EDC), Developmental or Reproductive Toxin), 
  • Phosmet (3 insecticide: Highly Bee Toxic, Carcinogen, Cholinesterase Inhibitor),
  • Piperonyl butoxide (302, insecticide: Carcinogen, Endocrine Disruptor (EDC)),
  • citronella oil (insect repellent, no effect noted)


MRLs are the acceptable pesticide residue limits in food. Links in original article. 'However, the facts are that even when Canadian labels are followed, there can be high levels, as shown by recent Agriculture Canada research. Perhaps one reason is the labels and PMRA assume pesticide levels dissipate overtime, but confidential test data on glyphosate has shown the levels can increase in seed over time. Unless there is someone checking how pesticides are sprayed in the field, there will be no way to fix Canadian labels that are resulting in unexpected, high levels. This increases the risk arising from pesticides.

  • and more

Summary: The NOI 2023-01 proposals allow MRLs to be increased, protect industry data, and maintain the status quo.  Despite the rhetoric of the “Transformation Agenda”, PMRA is running an “obsolete regulatory system that protects the pest industry more than it protects Canadians”.


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Pest Control Products (Saskatchewan) Act

Pest Control Products Regulations (link updated to 2015 regulations)

Pest Control Act

Pest Control Regulations such as Bacterial Ring Rot Control Regulations, Late Blight Control Regulations and others

Pesticide Service License or google Saskatchewan Pesticide Service license ( May 2023)

Applicator, Vendor and Service Licenses

Until pesticides were brought to the table at the Strategy for a Green and Prosperous Economy (2005), none of the classes for these licenses included any information on alternative or reduced use pesticide. We were told at the meeting that a section on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) would be developed and included in the SIAST classes.  I have no idea if that has been implemented as the Strategy was discarded shortly after the Sask Party was elected. 

Saskatchewan Pesticide Use presentation by Cameron Wilks of Sask Agriculture and Foods to the Strategy for a Green and Prosperous Economy (2005)  There is absolutely no mandatory training for anyone selling domestic pesticides because no provincial license is currently required for sales of domestic sales.

SK Agriculture still handles Chemical Complaints although the process is now different. "If people have a drift complaint, they usually contact us and we refer them to the Provincial Pesticide Investigator. We have a few questions we are required to ask to be sure the parties involved have done their due diligence in solving the issue before the investigator gets involved."  Colleen Seaman, Agriculture Knowledge Centre, Ministry of Agriculture colleen.seaman@gov.sk.ca

PH:  1-866-457-2377
Or:  (306) 694-3899
Fax:  (306) 694-3938
Sk Agriculture only deals with damage to crops from herbicides. It is suggested that people handle their own problems. Damage to human or animal health or environment from any pesticide product is not dealt with in this document. All health matters are referred to the PMRA since there is an Adverse Effect reporting since 2007.

Pesticide Container Disposal

There is a voluntary Saskatchewan program for commercial pesticides container disposal, and a periodic short-term program for return of obsolete commercial pesticides.

 Obsolete Pesticide Collection Campaign no current link found. In his presentation, Mr Friesen mentions that provincial campaigns run every 4 year, the last SK campaign was in October 2007 and collected 124,516 kgs . Another should have run in 2011.

As of fall 2005, there was no program for "safe" disposal or return of domestic pesticide containers or obsolete domestic pesticides, in spite of CropLife Canada saying in their annual reports that container disposal programs exist. For up to date information on Hazarouls Waste Disposal in your community, check with the SK Waste Reduction Council.


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see also Legislation/regulatory/ Canada2, neonicotinoids, neonicotinoids2

PAN successfully challenges pesticide product authorisation - major implications  (PAN Europe, January 20, 2025)    'Thereby, this assessment needs not only take into account certain types of scientific and technical knowledge or the time when such knowledge became available (para 77). The determination of whether an active substance has endocrine-disrupting properties must be made on the basis of all available, relevant and reliable scientific and technical knowledge.    ...‘In its objection, PAN argued that several studies (among others) show that difenoconazole has endocrine-disrupting properties. The Ctgb did not initially assess this information in the examination of the application for authorisation, because it believed that endocrine-disrupting properties of an active substance should only be assessed at European level when approving that active substance. In the College's view, it is thus established that the contested decision was negligently prepared. The Ctgb's later position - in response to the ECJ's ruling - that the studies cited by PAN are insufficient to identify difenoconazole as endocrine disrupting, is in the opinion of the Board insufficient. If the Ctgb is of the opinion that the studies cited by PAN cannot be regarded as available, relevant and reliable scientific and technical knowledge, it should have given proper and insightful reasons for this.’     ‘The conclusion is that the contested decision was insufficiently carefully prepared and unsoundly motivated.’ The Ctgb must issue a new decision within six months, in which ‘the authorisation decision (and the renewal decision) will have to be reconsidered in its entirety, taking into account all the facts and circumstances at the time of the reconsideration.’      SNAP Comment: The same issue we constantly have in Canada. Independent studies are consistently considered irrelevant. Will this prrecedent European decision help us?  There are currently 31 difenoconazole containing pesticides registered in Canada.

Ban use of bee-killing pesticide in UK, business chiefs tell government    Exclusive: ‘We need to listen to the scientists. Excessive pesticide use is killing our bees,’ say company heads in letter to minister (The Guardian, 22 December 2023) (Active ingredient thiamethoxam)   'The neonicotinoid pesticide Cruiser SB is used on sugar beet and is highly toxic to bees. It is banned in the EU but the UK has provisionally agreed to its emergency use every year since leaving the bloc. In 2017, the then environment secretary, Michael Gove, promised to use Brexit to ban all neonicotinoids.   Government scientific advisers said in September they were not able to support an authorisation for Cruiser SB, because the “potential adverse effects to honeybees and other pollinators outweigh the likely benefits”.   Now a group of businesses that depend on pollinators, including some farmers and those who use botanicals in their products, have said the government must heed their advice and not allow bee-killing pesticides to be used.  Cruiser SB is used as a seed coating on sugar beets to prevent aphids. SNAP Comment: one technical thiamethoxam product is still registered in canada until 2027. There are still 5 imidacloprid  and 2 clothianidin products currently registered in Canada. see Why Did Health Canada Change Their Mind About Neonics?   (Canadian Wildlife Federation blog, May 18, 2022)   

UK fails to ban 36 harmful pesticides outlawed for use in EU (The Guardian, 13 September 2023) Campaigners say Britain becoming ‘toxic poster child of Europe’ and accuse ministers of breaking Brexit promise on standards     'Thirty of the 36 were allowed for use in the EU when the UK left on 31 January 2020 but have since been banned by the bloc, and the remaining six have been approved by the UK government but not the EU since then. Of these chemicals, 12 have been classified as carcinogens, nine have been found to be endocrine disruptors, which interfere with hormones and are linked to infertility, and eight are developmental or reproductive toxins that have also been linked to fertility problems. Two are cholinesterase inhibitors that can impair the respiratory system, and one is classified as acutely toxic.'         Link to the list (pdf) at the bottom of  UK falling behind EU pesticide standards (Pan UK, 13 Setember 2023)   Of those, 14 are still registered in Canada as of 13 September 2023:  5 are carcinogens, 3 are developmental or reproductive Toxin, 6 are Endocrine Disruptor (EDC), 1 is highly bee toxic and 1 is a ground water contaminant. The ones underlined have the most products registered.

  • Bispyribac (2 products, herbicide: no environmental or health issue noted), 
  • Bromadiolone (30, rodenticide: Developmental or Reproductive Toxin, High Acute Toxicity),
  • Cloquintocet-mexyl (9, all technical),
  • Cyprosulfamide (1 technical),
  • Etridiazole (5,fungicide: Carcinogen, Endocrine Disruptor (EDC))
  • Famoxadone (2, fungicide), 
  • Fenbuconazole ( 2 fungicide: Carcinogen, Endocrine Disruptor (EDC))
  • Flutriafol ( 3, fungicide: Endocrine Disruptor (EDC)), 
  • Ipconazole (13, fungicide: Ground Water Contaminant), 
  • Mancozeb (27, fungicide:Carcinogen, Endocrine Disruptor (EDC), Developmental or Reproductive Toxin), 
  • Myclobutanil (4, fungicide: Endocrine Disruptor (EDC), Developmental or Reproductive Toxin), 
  • Phosmet (3 insecticide: Highly Bee Toxic, Carcinogen, Cholinesterase Inhibitor),
  • Piperonyl butoxide (302, insecticide: Carcinogen, Endocrine Disruptor (EDC)),
  • citronella oil (insect repellent, no effect noted)

How Can We Stop the Import of Food Produced Using Banned Practices in Europe? A European Regulation to Protect the Environment and our Farmers.      'In a report published in April 2021, the Veblen Institute, the Nicolas Hulot Foundation, and the beef interprofessional organisation INTERBEV raise the urgent need to reform a European trade policy that not only fails to meet its environmental and public health commitments, but also jeopardises the future of its breeders and farmers by distorting competition. Together, they are defending a European regulation on imports, based on a principle of "mirror measures". A reform to be carried out now for adoption in 2022, during the French Presidency of the European Union.'   SNAP Comment: It is my understanding that Canada would pressure the European Union over gmos and glyphosate residues in commodities. 

EU Proposes 2030 Goal to Reduce Pesticide Use by 50% and Increase Arable Land in Organic Production by At Least 17%   (Beyond Pesticides, May 26, 2020)

Disregarding the European Green Deal, Two Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides Reapproved: Will the Court of Justice Fix This?   (PAN Europe, November 10, 2021)  EU Member States have voted last week for the re-approval of flumioxazin and cypermethrin, two endocrine disrupting and bee-toxic pesticides. This re-approval is in total contradiction with the European Green Deal that reinforced the precautionary principle, biodiversity protection, and the will of the Commission to phase out endocrine disruptors. PAN Europe considers going to court.  SNAP Comment: Cypermethrin is a pyrethroid and Flumioxazin is an unclassified type herbicide with little independent research but knowot be a bee toxicant. As of 17 December 2021, there are 9 cypermethrin and 22 Flumioxazin products (labels) registered in Canada. 

European Union Bans Neonicotinoid Insecticide, Citing Health and Environmental Concerns   (Beyond Pesticides, January 17, 2020) about the neonicotinoid Thiacloprid.  “There are environmental concerns related to the use of this pesticide, particularly its impact on groundwater, but also related to human health, in reproductive toxicity.” One commercial product in Canada: 'GENERAL INFORMATIONCalypso 480 SC Insecticide is a locally systemic and translaminar insecticide which provides control of insect pests in pome fruit. Calypso 480 SC Insecticide controls insect pests by contact action and by ingestion of the treated plant tissue. '   Pome fruits are apple type fruits and a systemic insecticide that can't be washed off is used on them. I don't believe thiacloprid is covered in the neonicotinoids that Canada will ban in a few years.

European Regulators Ban Carcinogenic, Frog-Killing Fungicide  (Beyond Pesticides, April 4, 2019) Contamination of drinking water with toxic breakdown products and risks to fish and and amphibians has led to a ban on the fungicide chlorothalonil in the European Union (EU)... Chlorothalonil has been in use since the 1960s, yet only now are regulators beginning to understand its impacts to human health, water quality, pollinators and aquatic species; after half a century and tens of millions of pounds of use. Cases like these are not rare, or an exception, but frustratingly common in the world of pesticide regulation.' SNAP Comment: There are currently 36 chlorothalonil  products registered for use by the PMRA in Canada.

New German Government Would Ban Glyphosate Herbicides in Shock to Monsanto-Bayer Merger (12 January 2018)  In a shock announcement Friday, Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and the Social Democrats (SPD) have agreed on a blueprint for formal grand coalition negotiations, which includes a complete ban on glyphosate herbicides. Details of the suggested ban are yet to be announced.

French Prime Minister Retains Bee-Toxic Neonicotinoid Pesticide Ban  (Beyond Pesticides, June 27, 2017) French Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, is retaining the neonicotinoid (neonic) pesticide ban, which is set to go into effect in 2018 and is stronger than the current European Union restrictions on neonics.

European Court Decision Rules in Favor of Increased Pesticide Transparency (Beyond Pesticides, December 1, 2016)  A groundbreaking decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) last Wednesday ruled in favor of the environmental nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) and Greenpeace Nederland, which had been denied access to industry studies and other information submitted by chemical companies to European regulators on the controversial weedkiller glyphosate and the bee-toxic insecticide imidacloprid. The Court found that “emissions into the environment” includes releases from pesticide products or active ingredients contained in these products, as long as the release is possible under realistic conditions of use of this product. It interpreted the “information on emissions into the environment” to cover information relating to the nature, composition, and quantity of those emissions, but also “information enabling the public to check whether the assessment is correct, as well as the data relating to the medium or long-term effects of those emissions.” This decision will allow for any interested party to obtain industry studies and underlying data that were submitted to European regulatory agencies for pesticide review and approval...This is a huge win for environmental organizations that have long been critical of the lack of transparency in the government review process of pesticides. And while it does not apply to regulatory decisions in the U.S., it sets a legal precedent going forward. SNAP Comment: In Canada, I believe this information is available to see in a secure facility where no recording device of any kind is allowed. I hope a pen and paper are allowed.

Regulators Bow to Pressure from American Trade Lobby on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (Beyond Pesticides, May 28, 2015)  leading to scrapping draft criteria that could have led to a ban on over 30 endocrine (hormone) disrupting chemical (EDCs) in the European Union (EU). More on endocrine disruptiion at http://www.snapinfo.ca/info/health/endocrine-disruption


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also see pesticide fact sheets/ herbicides

Weed killer outlawed with immediate effect over health fears ( In Daily, Oct 10, 2024)   The use or sale in Australia of a herbicide linked to irreversible health problems in unborn babies has been made illegal with immediate effect and no phase-out period.    Dacthal is used on crops such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turf and cotton, stopping weeds at the shooting or sprouting stage.   But it must be immediately pulled from sale across Australia after the pesticides authority on Thursday cancelled approval of all 12 products containing the herbicide.   SNAP CommentDacthal is not and apparently has never been registered in Canada. It is interesting that the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) is actually immediately pulling the pesticide from sale right away rather than giving it a 2-3 year for the decision to be effective. 

Bayer’s Use of EU-Forbidden Pesticides Ignites Protest in South Africa     (Beyond Pesticides, September 19, 2023) Farmworkers in Paarl, South Africa took to the streets on Friday, September 8, demanding an end to the indiscriminate importation and use of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides containing substances prohibited by the European Union (EU). This protest is part of a broader global trend of outcry against systemic issues of environmental racism that disproportionately burden communities with environmental and health risks.  Meanwhile, the chants of demonstrators echoed throughout: “We’re dying of asthma, we’re dying of cancer, we’re dying of heart attacks,” a reminder of the dire consequences of corporate actions like Bayer’s.     This demonstration comes on the heels of a visit to South Africa by Marcos Orellana, PhD, the UN Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights. Dr. Orellana’s report highlights discrepancies in South Africa’s handling of hazardous materials.SNAP Comment: Canada also has many registered pesticides that are banned in the European Union...

Global Pesticide Bans (PAN)    Use this interactive map to explore where pesticides are banned around the world. Search by chemical to learn which countries have implemented a ban of a particular pesticide, or by country to find out which pesticides have been banned in each nation, and how many are Highly Hazardous Pesticides. PAN International regularly updates the data this map is based on. 

European Union Bans Brain-Damaging Insecticide Chlorpyrifos; NY Governor Bans Aerial Application and Proposes Phase-Out of All Uses   (Beyond Pesticides, December 11, 2019)       'Last week, the European Union voted to ban the neurotoxic insecticides chlorpyrifos and chorpyrifos-methyl from use beginning February 1, 2020.     Yesterday, the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo vetoed a statutory chlorpyrifos ban and issued an immediate ban on aerial application, and proposed a regulatory phase-out that bans all uses by December 2020, except use on apple tree trunks by July 21. The proposal is subject to a public comment period.'

Bending to International Industry Pressure, Thailand Walks Back Toxic Chemical Bans  (Beyond Pesticides, December 4, 2019) 'Last week, Thailand’s government shifted course from banning three toxic pesticides to only restricting the use of glyphosate and delaying the enforcement of bans on paraquat and chlorpyrifos. After an initially strong stance, the government is now bending to pressure from the U.S. government and the chemical-intensive farming industry... 16% of Thailand’s population is employed in the agricultural sector. The country is a substantial exporter of rice, rubber, and sugar. While this story has indeed taken a disappointing turn, the farmer backlash offers a case study for where single-chemical bans – though they can be an important in a short-term goal – can go wrong. The focus in Thailand is on the replacement of the banned toxic chemicals with substitutes instead of holistic, organic practices that are safe for people and the environment. '

Brazil Approves 262 New Hazardous Pesticides, Makes Death Sole Criteria for Toxicity  (Beyond Pesticides, August 1, 2019) Last month, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture approved the registration of 51 additional hazardous pesticides and brought the total to 262 newly approved pesticides this year.

International Lawsuits under NAFTA

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Trade agreements allows foreign companie to seek compensation for lost profits.

NAFTA pesticide ban challenge settled without money No compensation for DowAgroSciences after Quebec outlaws lawn pesticide. CBC News, May 30, 2011

Ontario’s Cosmetic Pesticide Ban and Dow Chemical’s Challenge under NAFTA to the Quebec Pesticide Code Presentation to Pesticides Webinar convened by the Canadian Network on Human Health and the Environment. Kathleen Cooper, CELA, May 21, 2009p. 13 explains the NAFTA dispute settling process.

Dow sues Canadian government over Que.'s pesticide ban Juliette O'neil, Canwest News Service, 9 April 2009.

Dow Invokes NAFTA To Challenge Canadian Pesticide Bans (Beyond Pesticides, October 30, 2008)

Cases Filed Against the Government of Canada under NAFTA chapter 11. Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada.


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also see Pesticides in Food,  resistanceantibacterials  and Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids, dicambaglyphosate fungicides

Groups Challenge EPA on Allowing Toxic Pesticides that Do Not Even Work and Without Its Review    (Beyond Pesticides, March 2, 2023) 'On February 22, a group of 65 nonprofit organizations (including Beyond Pesticides) filed a citizen petition with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that asks the agency to close a gaping — and well exploited — regulatory loophole by revoking a 1984 regulation that waived efficacy data requirements in pesticide evaluations. This means that EPA has, for 39 years, registered pesticides without demonstrated proof of efficacy and benefits.'  SNAP Comment: I am unsure whether Canada evaluates efficacy of pesticides.

EPA’s Deficient Pesticide Analysis Contributes to Ecological Decline   (Beyond Pesticides, November 21, 2022) Once again, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has registered a new pesticide without performing a thorough review of its impacts on biodiversity as well as threatened and endangered speciesInpyrfluxam was registered in 2020 and only after being sued by the Center for Biological Diversity for failure to comply with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) did EPA commit to completing draft effects determinations by Fall 2022. SNAP Comment: As of 7 December, 2022, 9 Inpyrfluxam (a fungicide) are currently registered in Canada. I doubt we did a better job than the US EPA regarding its dangers to biodiversity. 

U.S. EPA ordered to reassess glyphosate's impact on health, environment   (Jonathan Stempel, Reuters, June 17, 2022)  'The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was ordered by a federal appeals court on Friday to take a fresh look at whether glyphosate, the active ingredient in Bayer AG's Roundup weed killer, poses unreasonable risks to humans and the environment.   In a 3-0 decision, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with several environmental, farmworker and food-safety advocacy groups that the EPA did not adequately consider whether glyphosate causes cancer and threatens endangered species.   ...She also faulted aspects of the agency's approval process." also see Supreme Court Permits Large Jury Verdicts on Roundup, Appeals Court Finds EPA Registration Unlawful  (Beyond Pesticides, June 22, 2022) 

Bill Banning Aerial Herbicides on Forestland Vetoed by Mill  (Associated Press, June 26, 2021)   Maine Gov. Janet Mills has vetoed a bill to ban aerial spraying of glyphosate in forestland. Democratic Senate President Troy Jackson spent 17 years fighting the spraying, and finally got the bill passed in 2021, only to have her veto it!    SNAP Comment: a larger buffer zone to protect water will do little to control fires or provide habitat.

PACTPA 2.0: Putting people before pesticides (PANNA, dec 2021)    After a brief attempt in 2020, the Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act (PACTPA) was re-introduced by Senator Cory Booker on November 23 of this year, and PAN is among the organizations that support its passage!  This bill would overhaul U.S. pesticide regulations, ultimately mandating new rules to protect people and the environment.  link to full text of bill.  PACTPA would:

  • Ban dangerous pesticides including organophosphate insecticides, neonicotinoid insecticides and paraquat herbicides;
  • Close loopholes that have allowed the EPA to issue emergency exemptions and conditional registrations to use pesticides even before they go through full health and safety reviews;
  • Create a petition process for the people which will allow citizens to request review of pesticides that would otherwise be approved for use indefinitely;
  • Support local community protective actions from preemption of veto by state law;
  • Protect farmworkers from harm by requiring injury reports, directing EPA review of these reports, improved pesticide label instructions and requiring labels in Spanish and any other language that can be shown to have 500 or more applicators using that language; and
  • Broaden the knowledge base by requiring suspension and review of pesticides deemed unsafe by other nations.

SNAP Comment: These changes would also be welcome in Canada with the following differences. Although conditional registrations are apparently not allowed in Canada any more, Under Section 18 of the Pest Control Products Regulations, emergency registration is still allowed 'for a period not exceeding one year'.and cannot re renewed. Point 5 mentions requuiring injury reports. In Canada,the only mandatory reporting of negative effects has to be doneby the manufacturs themselves. MDs or the public caan submit injury reports but do not have to so that would be  great addition for Canada, and not only for farmworkers.

Arkansas Plant Board Takes First Step to Roll Back Crop Damage Protections from Dicamba/Herbicide Drift    (Beyond Pesticides, March 23, 2021) 'Earlier this month, the Arkansas State Plant Board (ASPB) voted to loosen regulations curtailing use of the highly drift-prone herbicide dicamba. With an 8-7 vote, ASPB eliminated measures advanced in 2016 that protect growers from dicamba drifting off of genetically engineered (GE) soybean fields.

Federal Court Blocks EPA from Weakening Farmworker Protections  (Beyond Pesticides, January 5, 2021) 'In the waning days of 2020, a federal court provided a hint of hope that farmworkers will retain basic buffer zone protections from toxic pesticides. The District Court for the Southern District of New York  issued in late December a temporary restraining order against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), prohibiting the agency from implementing industry-friendly rules that weaken application exclusion zones (AEZs) for farmworkers.'    SNAP COMMENT: The work is never done...

EPA by Fiat Overturns State Authority to Restrict Pesticides in the Face of Its Faltering Programs   (Beyond Pesticides, November 13, 2020) 'The toxic herbicide dicamba is once again at the center of a larger story about states’ authority to regulate pesticides beyond federal dictates. The Trump EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has just made it much harder for state regulations to be more protective than federal rules are. It did so via a footnote embedded in dozens of pages of regulatory documents related to EPA’s registration of three new dicamba products.   SNAP comment:: Despite a recent court ruling voiding the registration of drift-prone dicamba herbicides on genetically engineered (GE) cotton and soybeans, EPA has not only renewed the registration of these chemicals but registered more. In addition, they now prevent states from having more protective regulations than the federal. Changes were made without the input of state regulators. This is a form of preemption. 

After Court Rules Herbicide “Would Tear the Social Fabric of Farming Communities,” Dicamba in Genetically Engineered Crops Given Go-Ahead by EPA  (Beyond Pesticides, November 4, 2020) Despite a recent court ruling voiding the registration of drift-prone dicamba herbicides on genetically engineered (GE) cotton and soybeans, EPA has renewed  the registration of these chemicals. The court’s ruling stated that EPA, “substantially understated risks that it acknowledged and failed entirely to acknowledge other risks,” in regards to the herbicides XtendiMax and Eugenia (dicamba), produced by agrichemical corporations Bayer and BASF for their genetically engineered (GE) crops.

EPA Threatens Public Health, Waiving Safety Review of Disinfectants To Be Used by American Airlines and Health Care Facilities; Need Questioned while More Uses Expected     (Beyond Pesticides, August 28, 2020) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted “emergency” permission to the State of Texas to allow the use of SurfaceWise®2, an unregistered pesticide, as an anti-viral surface coating.  Beyond Pesticides recognizes the need for protection from transmission of the novel coronavirus, and maintains that it ought to and can be done without exposing people to toxic synthetic pesticides that have not undergone evaluation for safety. See Beyond Pesticides’ guidance on effective and safe precautions against the novel coronavirus.

EPA Registers Toxic Pesticide for Use on GE Soybeans without Required Opportunity for Public Comment   (Beyond Pesticides, April 7, 2020)     'Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered a carcinogenic herbicide for new uses without following  the required public notification and comment process, the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting (MCIR) reports. The chemical in question, isoxaflutole, is a broadleaf weedkiller that can now be applied to genetically engineered (GE) soybeans in half of U.S. states. Health and environmental groups are outraged by EPA’s furtive move, accusing the agency of colluding with the pesticide industry.   A 2018 study found no evidence that rotating herbicides is an effective strategy to manage weeds. Farmers with high levels of resistance retain high weed density, no matter what new chemical are thrown at them. In fact, once a weed develops resistance to one herbicide, it is much more likely to develop resistance to other weedkillers.'

Environmental Groups Are Victorious in Lawsuit that Pushes EPA to Protect Endangered Species  (Beyond Pesticides, October 31, 2019)'Last week the U.S. District Court in San Francisco ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must assess the risk eight toxic pesticides pose to protected organisms: atrazine, carbaryl, methomyl, and simazine as well as rodenticides brodifacoum, bromadiolone, warfarin and zinc phosphide.  “It is inappropriate that environmental groups are forced to expend time and resources in order to get EPA to simply do its job as the law requires,” says Barbara Dale, Public Education Manager at Beyond Pesticides. also includes some alarming “fun” facts on a few of these toxic chemicals.'

Health and Environmental Groups Call on EPA to Revoke Glyphosate’s Registration  (Beyond Pesticides, September 4, 2019) Sixteen organizations representing health, environmental, farmer, and farmworker communities joined together yesterday to call on EPA to remove glyphosate from the marketplace. The groups cite a combination of high-profile lawsuits, environmental impacts, increasing reports of weed resistance, and growing public concern over the health effects of glyphosate in their comments on EPA’s interim reregistration review decision for the chemical. The comments warn that EPA is at risk of damaging the public’s trust in the agency’s review process for toxic pesticides. The article also ' replies to EPA’s attacks against the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Dismissing independent Peer-Reviewed Science, EPA Allows Dramatic Increase in Children’s Exposure to Toxic Pesticides Pushed by Industry   (Beyond Pesticides, August 6, 2019) In a move that challenges the preponderance of independent peer-reviewed scientific findings on children’s health, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently stripped away protections that limit children’s exposure to class of chemicals associated with childhood cancer, autism, and other learning disorders...EPA looked at hundreds of peer-reviewed studies, but only incorporated two into its determination. The vast majority of studies reviewed by EPA were considered low quality by the agency’s subjective criteria, and effectively ignored. Instead, the agency prioritized methodology put forth by CAPHRA and encouraged by Croplife. Under the CAPHRA model, pyrethroids were estimated to be metabolized by children at the same rate as adults'. SNAP Comment: The last statement defies science and evidence. 

Fulfilling Legal Settlement with Limited Scope, EPA Cancels Twelve Neonicotinoid Products (Beyond Pesticides, May 23, 2019)  'The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the final notices of cancellationon the registration of twelve neonicotinoid pesticide products in the Federal Register, each of which contains chlothianidin or thiamathoxam as an active ingredient... The case establishes a legal precedent in which the court required action to address the bee-toxic effects of pesticides; however, the effect of the settlement and its impact on overall neonicotinoid and other systemic insecticide use is limited'. 'For all but two of the twelve canceled products, a nearly identical surrogate remains actively registered. Furthermore, the fact remains that there are hundreds more products containing the active ingredients targeted by the lawsuit that have not been removed in any capacity – 106 products containing clothianidin and 95 containing thiamethoxam remain untouched on the market. Breaking down the impacts of the EPA ruling even further, there are several eerily similar classes of insecticides that operate the same way neonicotinoids do that remain untouched by regulation. The sulfoxamine insecticide sufloxaflor, for example, is functionally identical to the neonicotinoid imidacloprid, '“The federal pesticide law is a weak statute and offers limited protection for bees, the ecosystem, and public health” said Jay Feldman, executive director of Beyond Pesticides. 

Center for Food Safety wins in case to force EPA to ban 12 neonicotinoids   (Food Safety News, By Dan Flynn on May 22, 2019)    'Final notices of cancellation for the registration of 12 neonicotinoid pesticides have been published in the Federal Register by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency...The decision to pull the pesticides from the market was part of a legal settlement reached in December 2018 involving the Center for Food Safety and the EPA.'  

Trump Officials Propose to Rollback Endangered Species Protection, Break Agreements to Act, and Block Public Review of Decisions   (Beyond Pesticides, May 13, 2019) The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) filed four lawsuits last week challenging the Trump administration’s failure to release a trove of documents detailing how the administration is regulating dangerous pesticides, especially as they relate to endangered species...The proposal disregards the recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences and ignores the mandate of the Endangered Species Act to give imperiled wildlife and plants the benefit of the doubt when evaluating the range of impacts caused by exposure to pesticides.'

Inspector General Challenges EPA’s Allowance of Off-Label “Emergency” Pesticide Use (Beyond Pesticides, September 27, 2018)  'The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report finding the agency’s practice of routinely granting “emergency” approval through its Section 18 program for pesticide use does not effectively measure risks to human health or the environment. OIG’s report finds “significant deficiencies in the OPP’s online database management, in its draft Section 18 emergency exemption standard operating procedure and application checklist, and in its reports to Congress and the Office of Management and Budget.'

California Court Ruling Ends Decades of State Pesticide Spraying (EcoWatch)  "The judge has told the state that harmful pesticides simply can't be sprayed indiscriminately, without robust consideration of impacts on people, animals and water," said Bill Allayaud, California director of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group. "The ruling also affirms that Californians have the right to know about pesticides being sprayed around them and the ability to challenge spraying that endangers public health and natural resources."

Did Dow Chemical Influence the EPA Administrator’s Decision to Reverse Chlorpyrifos Ban?(Beyond Pesticides, June 30, 2017) Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), met privately with Dow Chemical’s CEO several weeks before reversing EPA’s tentative decision to ban chlorpyrifos...Mr. Pruitt stated that his decision was founded on “meaningful data and meaningful science.” However, AP followed up with EPA to provide details on this science, and Mr. Pruitt’s office replied with quotes from trade groups and USDA, but failed to provide any scientific studies on the chemical’s safety.

Court Revokes Federal Approval of Nanotech Pesticide  (Beyond Pesticides, June 6, 2017) Last week, the U .S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit concluded that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) failed to show that its conditional registration of the antimicrobial, nano-silver pesticide product “NSPW-L30SS” (previously “Nanosilva”) is in the public interest and revoked its registration. According to the Center for Food Safety, the Court’s decision is the first of its kind to address EPA’s responsibilities in issuing conditional registrations of new pesticide products like NSPW-L30SS...This case also highlights the deficiencies of the controversial conditional registration process at EPAEPA’s conditional approval of the nanoproduct exemplifies the agency’s allowance of products into the market without sufficient and legally required data. SNAP Comment: Apparently, there are no more conditional pesticide registrations in Canada as of 1 June 1916, but we are still stuck with the 1% of pesticides approved under those such as neonicotinoids. A conditional registration essentially means that a pesticide is approved before all mandatory tests are performed and submitted and the registration does not undergo public consultation.

neonicotinoids again.

Court Holds Bee-killing Pesticide Approvals Violated the Law   (Global Justice Ecology Project, May 10, 2017)   SAN FRANCISCO—A Federal Court has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) systematically violated the Endangered Species Act (ESA) – a key wildlife protection law – when it approved bee-killing insecticides known as neonicotinoids... Judge Maxine Chesney of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California held that EPA had unlawfully issued 59 pesticide registrations between 2007 and 2012 for a wide variety of agricultural, landscaping and ornamental uses...“This is a vital victory,” said George Kimbrell, Center for Food Safety legal director. ..Seeds coated with bee-killing neonicotinoid insecticides are now used on more than 150 million acres of U.S. corn, soybeans, cotton and other crops – totaling an area bigger than the state of California and Florida combined – the largest use of any insecticides in the country by far. SNAP Comment: It would be harder to win any case in court in Canada because the annual PMRA pesticide sales report is so uninformative that one could not tell. 

Beyond Pesticides Sues Mott’s for Labeling Pesticide-Laden Applesauce “Natural”   (Beyond Pesticides, May 8, 2017) – A national environmental health organization last Friday sued Mott’s, under consumer protection law, for false and misleading “natural” labeling of applesauce products containing a toxic pesticide. The suit argues that the finding of residues in the company’s applesauce of the neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid, which is particularly toxic to pollinators, disqualifies the products from being labeled “natural” or as containing “all natural ingredients.”  There are concerns in the scientific literature and European Food Safety Authority about the effect of acetamiprid on human health, particularly children.

Dow Urges Trump Administration to Ignore Pesticide Impacts on Endangered Species (Beyond Pesticides, April 24, 2017)   In letters sent to government officials, lawyers for Dow urge Administration officials and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set aside “biological evaluations” that detail how three highly toxic organophosphate insecticides –chlorpyrifos, malathion and diazinon– harm nearly all 1,800 threatened and endangered animals and plants, claiming the process to be “fundamentally flawed.”

Pesticide Registration Manual: Chapter 1 - Overview of Requirements for Pesticide Registration and Registrant Obligations. Valid as of 26 February 2017.

North Miami Passes IPM Plan in Response to Local Activism (Beyond Pesticides, February 1, 2017) Last week in North Miami, the City Council took a significant step that could reduce pesticide use in the community. The Council adopted an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) policy  aiming to reeducate citizens and county workers on least-toxic pest management strategies with the goal of eliminating toxic pesticide use on city property.  The IPM plan does not address pesticide use on private property, due to state preemption of local authority...As part of a joint project with Organic Consumers AssociationBeyond Pesticides developed a Map of U.S. Pesticide Reform Policies to track state and local efforts to eliminate hazardous pesticides from public and private spaces...Local jurisdictions in many states, Florida included, are limited in their ability to regulate pesticides on private property due to state preemption laws. SNAP Comment: Hopefully, the IPM definition adopted is the correct one which includes starting with the lest toxic method with a definite goal of reduction. It seems to be. Regina's IPM committee failed because of lack of knowledge, lack of reduction goal, and industry interference. 

Ruling Affirmed in Colorado Pesticide Trespass Case (Beyond Pesticides, February 7, 2017) After years of legal battle, the Colorado Court of Appeals last week affirmed a ruling that Colorado rancher, James Hopper, must serve two days in jail and pay a $7,500 fine for spraying pesticides that drifted unto his neighbor’s farm in violation of a 2012 court order protecting his neighbors...Pesticide drift is an inevitable result of pesticide application. Adulticides that are spraying into the air, like the one used by Mr. Hopper, remain suspended in the air and can be carried great distances by the wind...Also reviews previous recent US cases and links to pesticide drift and common sense mosquito control.

Court Rules Against Monsanto, Allows California To Put Cancer Warning On Roundup  (CBS Sacramento, January 27, 2017) California would be the first state to order such labeling if it carries out the proposal. see also Judge Rules Against Monsanto, Allows California to List Glyphosate Products as Cancer Causing (Beyond Pesticides, January 31, 2017) SNAP comment: The article is msleading however on how roundUP is applied. If truly used on 250 crops, it is likely to dessicate (pre-harvest spraying) or chem fallowing. Using it on non RoundUP resistant crop would kill the crops as well as weeds. The US EPA evaluation is outdated and the EPA has been trying to set up a review committee with Monsanto opposing several scientists on the panel. 

EPA Revises Process, But Maintains Proposal to Stop Use of Neurotoxic Chlorpyrifos in Agriculture (Beyond Pesticides, November 15, 2016)  “The revised analyses indicate that expected residues of chlorpyrifos on food crops exceed the safety standard under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA),” EPA noted in its announcement. “In addition, the majority of estimated drinking water exposures from currently registered uses, including water exposures from non-food uses, continue to exceed safe levels even taking into account more refined drinking water exposures. “ To explain the decision to the public, EPA has put together a FAQ page on its websiteSNAP comment: Meanwhile in Canada, (15 Nov 2016) there are still 29 registered chlorpyrifos products including two baits for consumers (domestic) and 17 commercial registrations including Lorsban used by municipalities to spray the base of elm trees to prevent transmission of Dutch Elm Disease. I understand the City of Edmonton is still using chlorpyrifos to fog for mosquitoes. 

EPA Registers Dicamba for GE Crops, Adding to Growing Herbicide Resistance Issue (Beyond Pesticides, November 11, 2016) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has registered a new formulation of dicamba to control weeds in cotton and soybean crops that have been genetically engineered (GE) to tolerate the chemical. The new formulation is called Xtendimax™ with Vapor Grip™ Technology, which is claimed to be specifically designed to have lower volatility...An important point of dicamba’s registration is that EPA has specified that the registration is time-limited and will expire after two years... Dicamba has been linked to damage of the kidney and liver, neurotoxicity, and developmental impacts. The chemical has a strong propensity to volatilize small particles of the herbicide into the air and drift far off-site. Sensitive crop species can be damaged by dicamba at levels in the parts per million...A startling number of pesticides, nearly 65% of the more than 16,000 pesticides now on the market, were first approved by the process of “conditional registration.” Meanwhile, the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency finalized its decision to discontinue granting new conditional registrations. SNAP Comments: Dicamba is also widely used lawn herbicide products in formulation with 2,4-D and mecoprop. Conditional registration means that a pesticide was registered before many of the mandatory studies for registration were submitted.

EPA Fines Syngenta $1.2 Million for Multiple Safety Violations under Settlement(Beyond Pesticides, September 27, 2016)   EPA charged Syngenta with three major violations of the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), including: (1) Failure to have repackaging agreement and/or maintain records on registered pesticides; (2) Distributing misbranded pesticides, and; (3) Failure to maintain data submitted for pesticide registration. However, under the consent agreement reached with EPA, the company neither admits nor denies the allegations. “The repackaging, sale and distribution of unregistered and misbranded pesticides is illegal and puts people and the environment at risk. Users rely on accurate, up-to-date information about ingredients, directions for use, hazards and safety precautions,” said Anne Heard, Acting Regional Administrator for the Southeast in an EPA press release.  SNAP NOTE: The label is also the legal document setting rules for use of a particular pesticide. Repackaging often does not come with a copy of a label. The US has a history of large fine while, in Canada, the PMRA is issueing piddly fines whenenver it has to. It generally believes that educating the party is more appropriate.

USA p.2

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also see herbicidesInsecticides, Pesticide Fact sheets/neonicotinoids.2 , wildlife section/endangered species

EPA’s Registration of Herbicide under New Framework Puts Endangered Species at Elevated Risk, Advocates Say  (Beyond Pesticides, December 13, 2024)      Advocates argue that EPA’s Framework has effectively substituted one problematic and insufficient process for another. Even once a mitigation requirement is identified after a new or renewed pesticide registration, compliance by a pesticide applicator, farmer, or worker operates under a “self-service, honor system,” relying on users to proactively seek information online and then simply consider mitigation steps from a still complex menu of possible choices. EPA notes: “The final strategy itself does not impose any requirements or restrictions on pesticide use. Rather, EPA will use the strategy to inform mitigations for new active ingredient registrations and registration review of conventional herbicides.”  Therefore, with this Framework, EPA does not appear to establish clear and specific use and site restrictions communicated through a pesticide label, which has historically been established as a set of enforceable legal restrictions under federal pesticide law.     Critics observe that EPA does not possess the scientific expertise, nor the statutory authority, to accurately determine the potential for “population level” impacts to “listed species.” They are obligated to rely on the USFWS and NMFS through a consultation process to make such assessments of the potential effects on species that inhabit such complex ecological systems. Therefore, any pesticide that has not gone through a complete ESA (Endangered Seecies Act) consultation cannot have been properly evaluated. (The Center for Biological Diversity argued this in its June 2024 comments.)      SNAP Comment: I don't know if this is also the current Canadian approach, but our approach leaves alot to be desired as well. 

Evaluation of EPA Safety Data on Neonicotinoid Insecticides Identifies Scientific Failures    (Beyond Pesticides, November 5, 2024) Published in the journal Frontiers in Toxicology, a recent study uncovers serious flaws in the pesticide registration process at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with an in-depth evaluation of the agency’s failure to protect the public from the harmful effects of five neonicotinoid (neonic) insecticides...'All five neonicotinoids evaluated: acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxam—are associated with significant shrinkage of brain tissue at the highest dosage, according to EPA data reports (see acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxam). However, with little or no data regarding the chemicals’ impacts at low and mid-level dosages, EPA has either failed to find a “No Observed Adverse Effect Level” (NOAEL) or, seemingly at random, set the NOAEL at the mid-level dosage. The evaluation suggests that perinatal exposure to neonicotinoids and their metabolites results in nicotine-like neurotoxic effects in rodent studies, concluding that, “… the exposure limits set by EPA for human exposure are either not protective or not supported by available neurotoxicity data.” The study also finds that the agency ignored significant adverse effects, allowed DNT studies that did not conform with scientific protocols, and permitted “neonicotinoid registrants to unduly influence agency decision-making.” ' Links in original article

What the Story of DDT, America’s Most Notorious Chemical, Can Teach Us Today  Book interview of author of How to Sell a Poison. The Rise, Fall and Toxic Return of DDT (By Gosia Wozniacka, Civil Eats, July 6, 2022)      In How to Sell a Poison, historian of medicine Elena Conis traces the history of DDT, its impacts, and the implications of the shifting science. In a masterful narrative style that reads like a novel, Conis tells the stories of ordinary people and the nascent environmental movement that sought to expose the chemical’s harms. Her book offers insights about the mechanisms of science denial, disinformation campaigns, and the role of politics and other social forces in shaping a nation’s approach to regulating a toxic substance.     Civil Eats spoke with Conis about the light that DDT’s story sheds on the many other toxic chemicals used today, how social inequality, race, and environmental pollution are linked, and why the tobacco industry funded a secret campaign to bring back DDT.

PAN Applauds EPA Suspension Of DCPA, Calls For Quicker Action (PAN, 8 Aug 2024)     'According to EPA documents, exposure to DCPA can lead to changes in fetal thyroid hormones that are linked to low birth weight, impaired brain development, decreased IQ, and impaired motor skills observed later in life. Dangerous exposure levels that could cause harm are low enough that a pregnant individual could be exposed to DCPA without experiencing adverse health effects to their own body, while the fetus could experience permanent and significant lifelong adverse effects.     In the meantime, this product continued to be used on lawns, turf applications, and food crops,    While PAN is pleased that the emergency suspension was put into place, we are deeply disappointed in the flawed processes that delay actions that would effectively protect public health. EPA knew of the potential for harm posed by DCPA for eighteen years before taking the first step to suspend it, and then it took another ten years from that first request for more studies on DCPA to finally suspend its registration. That’s nearly three decades worth of exposure to a dangerous herbicide.    SNAP Comment: Dacthal (DCPA or dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate) is not and apparently has not historically been registered in Canada. The same flawed process of evaluation also applies to Canada. It is classified as an Alkyl Phthalate but also contains 4 clhlorine atoms.

EPA Draft Herbicide Strategy Update Further Weakens Plan to Protect Endangered Species    (Beyond Pesticides, April 24, 2024) . The update outlines three types of modifications to the Draft Strategy, including “simplifying” its approach, increasing growers’ “flexibility” when applying mitigation measures, and reducing the mitigation measures required in certain situations. By reducing the stringency of the Strategy, advocates are again questioning EPA’s commitment to fulfilling legal requirements under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or protecting endangered species and their habitats in the midst of an unprecedented rate of global extinction. ESA is celebrated as one of the most far-reaching conservation laws globally, credited with preventing the extinction of 99 percent of those species the government targets for protection, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

State Legislation Popping Up to Limit Liability of Pesticide Manufacturers   (Beyond Pesticides, Feb 22, 2024) The Idaho Senate failed to pass SB 1245 last week which would have provided legal protection to pesticide manufacturers from “failure-to-warn” liability. This legal framework has been pivotal not only for plaintiffs, who are typically users of a toxic product, seeking redress from exposure to glyphosate-based herbicide products such as Roundup, but can also potentially extend to any toxic pesticide products. Similar bills have recently been introduced in the Iowa, Florida, and Missouri state legislatures as petrochemical pesticide industry actors such as Bayer face billions of dollars in legal settlements from victims of pesticide injury. see also  Bayer/Monsanto in Roundup/Glyphosate Case Stung with Largest Multi-Billion Dollar Jury Award, Asks States to Stop Litigation (Beyond Pesticides, February 23, 2024)

also see industry shenanigans/regulatory and legal, Endocrine Disruption

I am sorry that some links on this page and pages linked to it (mostly government of Canada and Saskatchewan) no longer work. Don't blame me, blame our governments which seem to be intent in making relevant information harder and harder to locate. I have left the info here because I am still inquiring about the new link locations and will update them as I find them.

more on legislation under bylaws. Also in fact sheets for individual chemicals

Breakdown Products (Metabolites) from Pesticides May Be More Toxic than Parent Compound, Study Finds  The original study adds 'The blind spot of pesticide risk assessment' to the title (Beyond Pesticides, May 6, 2021).   Nearly half of all breakdown products (transformation products-TP) from four common-use environmental pesticides produce stronger endocrine (hormone) disrupting (ED) effects than the parent compound, according to new research published in Environment International. The four pesticides studied were 'pyriproxyfen (Pyr), malathion (ML), benalaxyl (BX), and fenoxaprop-ethyl (FE), together with their 21 TPs through in vitro and in silico approaches, Also link to another article listing 300 endocrine disrupting products.  SNAP Comment: 0 registered pyriproxyfen (4 historical) and benalaxyl products in Canada,13 malathion products and 0 fenoxaprop-ethyl currently registered (4 historical).

New European Union Looks at Chemical Mixtures   includes link to the new strategy.   (Beyond Pesticides, October 30, 2020) 'The European Union (EU) adopted, in mid-October, a new strategy on chemicals — including pesticides — that seeks to deal with their combined (synergistic) and cumulative impacts on human and environmental health.  Beyond Pesticides has insisted for years that, here in the states, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been way behind the eight ball in dealing with the potential synergistic and cumulative impacts of the pesticides its registers for use..   SNAP Comment: The PMRA is equally behind in evaluationg the effects of mixtures. 

Pesticide Use Harming Key Species Ripples through the Ecosystem (Pesticides and You, summer 2018)  This articles illustrates the lack of “No Observed Adverse Effect Level” testing for ecosystems. and its dire consequences. 'Halstead et al. (2017) incorporated these data into epidemiological models to determine the risk of disease transmission in real world scenarios. It was determined that while atrazine caused a 28% increase in schistosomiasis transmission risk by indirectly increasing snail populations, the loss of crayfish and water bug predators were catastrophic for human health, leading to a 10-fold expected increase in parasitic infection. On the other hand, in healthy mesocosms unexposed to either pesticide, predator populations were able to adequately maintain snail numbers below thresholds for disease transmission.     In both still and fast-moving aquatic environments, pesticides act powerfully on the foundational levels of the food web. Although algae blooms are usually considered the result of excess nutrient input, it could also be the case that a recent insecticide application eliminated all of the herbivorous grazing macroinvertebrates. Likewise, declines in threatened predators like otters could be related to impacts two steps down the food chain, if the fish on which they rely have declined due to pesticide-induced reductions in their prey.   During the first month after seed treatment (with neonics) in a soybean field, slug predation was reduced by 33%, slug activity increased by nearly 70%, and, over the course of the season, soybean yields were down 19%. '    The EPA (and PMRA) agencies must develop a “No Observed Adverse Effect Level” for ecosystems. Many other examples presented in the article.

Banned pesticide implicated in 2016 bald eagle poisoning  (Dorchester Banner, Jun 29th, 2019)   This US story illustrates a major problem with pesticide regulation. Carbofuran (trade name Furedan) has also been banned in Canada for a while. Unfortunately, in Canada, when a product is federally banned, it is only from sale, not use. Products can be banned from use by provinces, and/or municipalities when there are no pre-emption laws. In fact, pesticide companies usually have sales of the pesticide before the last legal sale date or donate products to groups. A New York area activist mentioned that, after chlorpyrifos was banned in schools, stocks were donated or sold to those looking after school grounds. (Organizing for Local Policy Changes, Beyond Pesticides conference 2019) Somewhat defeating the purpose to protect children, isn't it? Also filed under wildlife/birds 

Roundup’s Risks Could Go Well Beyond Cancer   Evidence of the cheap herbicide’s danger to biological functions and the environment continues to mount. Why are U.S. regulators not listening?  (By Mark Buchanan, Bloomberg Opinion, June 4, 2019)  'Both the EPA and the EFSA relied on information provided by researchers linked to the industry and considered studies provided by the industry that were not peer-reviewed or made public. The IARC relied solely on publicly available peer-reviewed research.'  ' In both the U.S. and Europe, the supposedly safe limits for human ingestion are based on long-outdated science. Research also points to serious adverse consequences for the environment, and there are indications glyphosate can cause disease in mammals even several generations removed from the initial exposure.'   SNAP comment: The article does not answer its question other than pointing out the narrow scope of studies which regulatory agencies evaluate. I can add the mandatory 'risk-benefit assessment' where use is considered a benefit and need and trumps any negative health and environmental effects. This, in my view, is 'long outdated science', as well as the belief that there is a 'safe' dose at which there is no effect, and the unscientific way this is calculated. 

Settlement Bans Some Bee-Toxic Pesticides, Requires Public Comment Period on Testing All Pesticide Product Ingredients and Regulating Pesticide-Treated Seeds  (Beyond Pesticides, January 4, 2019)  USA with comments for Canada. 'The settlement sets in motion a number of actions and expectations, among which is the potential cancellation of the 59 pesticide registrations. The first public action was the posting in the Federal Register of two notices of EPA seeking public comment on petitions from CFS. One requests the revision of testing requirements for pesticides prior to their registration — including requiring “testing for whole pesticide formulations to account for the toxicological effects of inert and adjuvant ingredients and the testing of tank mixes to assess the interaction between pesticide ingredients. CFS believes this change is needed to meet the applicable safety standards of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).” The second requests that EPA “initiate a rulemaking or issue a formal Agency interpretation for planted seeds treated with systemic insecticides. CSF believes that the Agency EPA has improperly applied the treated article exemption in exempting these products from registration and labeling requirements under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).” Comments on both, which are due on or before March 21, 2019, can be directed as described here.'   SNAP Comment: Wow! testing formulations and regulating seeds treated with pesticides as pesticides rather than exempting them. I had no knowledge of the exemption for treated seeds but, under  Regulatory Directive: Harmonization of Regulation of Pesticide Seed Treatment in Canada and the United States (11 April 2003) "In issuing this regulation, the EPA reasoned that the risks of treated seeds that meet the above criteria could adequately be regulated by means of registration of the treating pesticide. In evaluating the risks of the seed treatment, the EPA could also evaluate the risks from exposure to the seed treated according to the label instructions and forgo the need for a separate evaluation and registration of the treated seed...both countries have essentially similar legislation, regulatory frameworks, labelling, colouration and packaging requirements to mitigate risk associated with handling of the treated seed and to prevent its diversion to use as a food or feed." 

Mixtures of Multiple Pesticide Ingredients in Products Not Evaluated by EPA for Elevated Toxicity (Beyond Pesticides, July 21, 2016)   'An investigative report released yesterday by Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) concludes that, over the past six years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved nearly 100 pesticide products with chemical mixtures that elevate the formulations’ toxicity, but are not specifically evaluated by the agency.'...'The report Toxic Concoctions: How the EPA Ignores the Dangers of Pesticide Cocktails, highlights a long-running blind spot within EPA’s pesticide evaluation program: the risk associated with combining mixtures of different pesticide active ingredients, which independent science shows may be more toxic than a single active ingredient by itself, also known as pesticide synergism.'NOTE: The same is true for Canada.

European Union Completes 16-Year Review of Pesticides (Beyond Pesticides, March 20, 2009) Posted in International. Includes database on active substances. 

Preemption Provision in Proposed Chemical Law Draws Ire from States (Beyond Pesticides, August 5, 2013) Preemption laws  refers to the ability of one level of government to override laws of a lower level. The proposed law would prohibit judicial review of EPA’s designation of a chemical as “high” or “low priority.” In a dizzying catch-22, states would be unable both to challenge in court EPA’s designation of a chemical, and adopt and enforce new laws regulating these chemicals. CSIA would prevent states from regulating chemicals months or even years before a single protective federal regulation becomes effective. This would leave an enormous safety gap -exposing human health and the environment to undue harm.