Presentations and Publications
March 2022 Stadnichuk's Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides. Stadnichuk's Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides. SNAP presentationTo Regina City Council on Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides. other presentations can be found under bylaws/provincial /Sakatchewan/Regina
31 August, 2021 SNAP Comments onto the PMRA on PMRI_2021-10, Glyphosate.
SNAP Comments to PANNA re: neonicotinoids regulation and exposure
19 January 2021 SNAP letter to thank Regina Mayor and Council for a nice Pest and wildlife web page about what the city does and what you can do for many issues without compromising the health of our ecosystems. Regina does not have a pesticide bylaw but these efforts are a step in the right direction. Letter to Regina Mayor and Council re great pest web page
10 January 2020 SNAP letter in support of Parks Manager Tim Yeaman's proposal to buy a Thermal Weed Control option to diminish pesticide use in the city. In support of the city of Prince Albert purchasing a Thermal Weed Control machine
August 11-21, 2017 Estelle Hjertaas, a SNAP member, raised the issue of lack of notification for pesticide use in Prince albert, Saskatchewan. Pesticide opponents see greener way to kill weeds - goats I wrote a letter (comment) to the PA Herald about the article. Letter to the PA Herald in response to article on Prince albert's pesticide use. I followed it up on 21 August with a letter to the mayor and other parties in the city of Prince Albert. Letter on Alternatives to Pesticides and Why to Use Them to PA Mayor
May 5, 2017 Answer to SaskPower's Wood Pole Maintenance Program blog post Sask Power's 2017 Wood Pole Maintenance Program blog post. background documents on pentachlorophenol on treated wood page. SNAP correction (10 May 2017): It appears I was wrong about disposal. Now incinerating toxic treated wood at high enough temperatures to destroy at least part of the toxic pollutants is no longer viewed as "support(ing) the concept of sustainable development." It appears that, after stating that industrially treated wood should not be used in and around homes (1, 7.3 and 7.4), several Canadian companies are licensed to do just that producing garden furniture, fencing and landscape lumber. Instead we also favour burning penta (or PCP) treated wood for energy, therefore distributing the pollutants far and wide. It seems to me that sustainable development would require that we replace unsustainable toxic materials with new ones that are not so toxic...
December 15, 2016. Letter to Minister of Health Philpott about banning the neonicotinoid imidacloprid now. Ban imidacloprid now
October 6, 2016 Glyphosate testing
May 6, 2016 emails sent to CBC Morning Edition in response to their story on Wascana Center Authority's strategic plan which did not seem to include a reduction in pesticide use.WCA lask of commitment to pesticide reduction -CBC morning Edition
Luther College- SNAP Letter for No Pesticides_April 2014
SNAP signed on the following campaign to ban triclosan organized by CELA
Triclosan and Triclocarban are needless and dangerous antibacterial chemicals that should be prohibited in consumer goods. July 2015 saw a Joint NGO Letter Urging Government Action on Triclosan which SNAP also signed. Media release Thursday November 27, 2014 Environment and Health Groups call on Canadian Government to Prohibit Triclosan in All Products Triclosan statement with signatories More on triclosan, its persistence and its effects on health and environment, go to
Complaint to Rona about OFF and herbicides products in the Regina store August 2014.
SNAP comments on A Consultation to Amend The Pest Control Products Regulations, 1995 August 2014. SNAP comments are below each item in the comments sections.
Neonicotinoid Update-Canada June 2014
How to Create Inclusive Communities for people affected by MCS May 2014. Prepared for the Creating Inclusive Communities public consultation forum held in Regina at the Queensbury Convention Centre, Salon 3, May 6, 1:30 – 4:30 pm and sent in as a written contribution. By Paule Hjertaas, President and spokesperson of the Saskatchewan Network for Alternatives to Pesticides (SNAP) relevant to the pesticide issue because pesticides are both a cause and trigger of MCS.
SNAP-Ban Neonicotinoid letter to PMRA
March Against Monsanto speech October 13, 2013.
SNAP-Response to Pesticide Use in Parks and Open Space report (presented and submitted March 7, 2013 to the City of Regina Public Works committee.) Background document under Saskatchewan.
Comments to clarify Death in Paradise (submitted January 31,2013 Death in Paradise - the fifth estate. CBC.January 25,2013). Many tourists have mysteriously died in Thailand and Vietnam. Pesticide exposure is considered a likely cause.
Comment to CBC Morning Edition re downgrading the dangers of GMOs and pesticides (Wednesday, Jan 30, 2013)
re: GMOs Answer to interview with environmental activist Mark Lynas on his about face on the issue of gmos (CBC Q with Jian Ghomeshi radio show, January 15, 2013) posted on CBC Q Facebook page.
The Need for a Pesticide Bylaw in Regina. Presentation to the City of Regina Environmental Committee on 28 June 2012. I was asked to send the presentation to the committee members following the meeting. Here is the cover letter I sent with it.
SNAP's Presentation to the Public Works committee on recommendations of the environmental committee on pesticides. (17 July 2012) and the Cover letter debunking more of industry's statements to the committee.
developed a class on Organic Land Care Training for Municipal Officials or Transitioning Landscapers for the Green Trades Association conference. (2010)
- basic healthy lawn care methods,
- dealing with weeds on hard surfaces,
- some noxious weed control for which there are natural controls,
- fertilizers and soil tests
- where to find more information and training.
reviewed and updated the Organic Gardening class (2009)
Treated Wood EPA and PMRA Reviews SNAP just signed on to the following treated wood comments from Beyond Pesticides to the US EPA. It is relevant for a Canadian to comment, as the products are under co-operative re-evaluation, and the US re-evaluations is poorly done. (issues or info/treated wood) – publications, and news. Beyond Pesticides comments (June 17, 2008) SNAP has also send SNAP comments to the PMRA as well as an endorsement of the Beyond Pesticide comments to the PMRA.
SNAP asks Sask Environment about Pesticides progress in the Green Strategy (July 12, 2007)
Pesticide Issues in Saskatchewan: A Primer by Paule Hjertaas. This article gives an overview of pesticide health effects and the pesticide situation in Saskatchewan and Canada. (June 2007)
Organics May Save the World. SNAP Letter to the editor In response to Organic farming won't save world (Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Thu 17 May 2007)
Comments on the Weyerhauser Pasquia-Porcupine 2005 Vegetation Management Demonstration Project Proposal By Paule Hjertaas; On behalf of Saskatchewan Network for Alternatives to Pesticides (SNAP) (June 14, 2005) Addresses forest certification and the use of glyphosate in forestry.
Comments on the Re-evaluation of the Lawn and Turf Uses of 2,4-D (April 22, 2005) Technical comments to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency on their draft decision to re-register 2,4-D for lawn and turf use. The new re-registration decreases concentration used, frequency of use, and institutes buffer zones. In fact, it sets up new 'safety' standards for use which no one will see until new labels with the proper information come out, in 3-5 years.In the meantime, how safe is it to use 2,4-D according to current labels? Some of the highlights: 2,4-D was re-registered without data on dioxin contamination, or toxicity data on the more toxic DEA form, present in most lawn care products. Cancer risk data was evaluated using the old EPA standard which considered the same risk of developing cancer for all instead of the current standard of children below 2 years old being at 10 times the risk of developing cancer. 2,4-D is mostly used in unevaluated mixtures.
In fall 2004, Paule Hjertaas initiated a campaign for reducing children's exposure to pesticides asking for three things to be included in the Strategy for a Green and Prosperous Economy prepared by Sask Environment for the Saskatchewan government. The campaign asked:
- to ban pesticides in areas where children play
- parent education on dangers of pesticides and their alternatives
- to set up an office of organic farming and gardening
Following are the briefing notes submitted to the government of Saskatchewan:
1. Why given that pesticides are regulated in Canada, is extra protection for
children needed?
2. Why prohibit pesticides in areas where children play?
3. Why do parents need information on pesticide dangers and alternatives to pesticides?
4. Why is an office of organic agriculture and gardening needed?
5. Do measures proposed for inclusion in the Green Agenda create a risk to health and the economy?
The campaign was covered by Paul Hanley in The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon,) Tue 19 Oct 2004: Green and prosperous economy does not include pesticides.
The presentations given at the consultation forums could be viewed on the Saskatchewan Environment site but have been removed shortly after the Saskatchewan Party took power.
- Human society and the environment. Dr David Pimentel, Cornell University
- Dr Ray Copes
- Pesticide Use by Cameron Wilks of Sask Agriculture and Foods
IPM - Presentation to the Parks and Community Services Committee, (SNAP's presentation to city of Regina IPM committee)