Labour Environmental Alliance Society (LEAS) produced a Cancer-free Consumer Guide and Toxins free Schools, Toxins in Consumer Products, and many more; Toxins workshops, and organised the Prevent Cancer Now conference in 2007 (BC)
Prevent Cancer Now (Ottawa) with superb links to their
SNAP cancer page
included because many cases of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and allergies, including asthma, are linked to pesticides, which often cause and usually aggravate the conditions.
How to Create Inclusive Communities for people affected by MCS Prepared for the Creating Inclusive Communities public consultation forum held in Regina at the Queensbury Convention Centre, Salon 3, May 6, 1:30 – 4:30 pm and sent in as a written contribution. By Paule Hjertaas, President and spokesperson of the Saskatchewan Network for Alternatives to Pesticides (SNAP) relevant to the pesticide issue because pesticides are both a cause and trigger of MCS.
Spain Officially Recognizes Multipel Chemical Sensitivities, the condition of the “bubble people” - official press release. 24 September 2014. Spain is thus the latest addition to the list of countries which officially recognise MCS as a valid diagnosis, like Germany (2000), Austria (2001), Japan (2009), Switzerland (2010) or Denmark (2012). Its purpose is “to offer recognition of this physical disorder associated to the exposure to toxic chemicals and thus to provide and facilitate its clinical and legal management” so that the people affected “can enjoy basic rights in terms of healthcare and assistance and other rights associated stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in every democratic country constitution.”
Artículo original:
© Servicio de Información sobre Sensibilidad Química Múltiple y Salud Ambiental
2005-10 Canadian Statistics on MCS/ES Increases in people diagnosed wih MCS, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.
Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) Report entitled 'The Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities,' by Margaret E. Sears (M.Eng., Ph.D.)
Canadian Human Rights Commission's Recognition of MCS Accommodation for Environmental Sensitivities: Legal Perspective' By: Cara Wilkie and David Baker. The opinions expressed in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), fibromyalgia (FM), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) 2006 statistics - Canada
Environmental Sensitivities-Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Status Report Advances in Knowledge, and Current Service Gaps. Environmental Health Clinic. Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, Lynn Marshall MD, FAAEM, FRSM, MCFP et al. October 31, 2010
Updated February 17, June 2, 2011.
Functional impairment in chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple chemical sensitivity. M. Ruth Lavergne, MSc et al. Canadian Family Physician. February 2010 vol. 56 no. 2 e57-e65
Seriously "Sensitive" to Pollution exceellent blog with great resources from Linda Sepp, Ontario
Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec –Environmental Health Association of Québec (ASEQ-EHAQ) Basic information on Environmental Sensitivities: questionnaire, statistics, testimonials, resources including for testing email: /
CIIN- Chemical Injury Information Network Very informative monthly newsletter and resources available at cost
CFS, FM,CS (Chemical Sensitivity) Coalition of Chicago Informative quarterly publication about chronic ftigue, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivities
Massachusetts Association for the Chemically Injured Lots of resources- books, masks, bedding, furniture.
AllergyKids addresses the impact that hidden chemicals in FOOD and VACCINES have on the lives of the 54.6% Americans with allergies and offers 10 Steps to Protect Your Children's Health.
Preventing Discrimination
Practical Guide for Employment Accommodation for People with Disabilities from the Disabled Women’s Network of Ontario
Employers’ Practical Guide to Reasonable Accommodation Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
Fragrance Ingredients
Top-selling air fresheners and laundry products contain chemicals classified as toxic Each of the six products (dryer sheets, fabric softener, laundry detergent, a liquid spray air freshener, a plug-in air freshener, and a solid disc deodorizer used in commercial-airplane toilets) emitted at least one substance the federal government classifies as toxic or hazardous. Among them are 3 chemicals the Environmental Protection Agency considers "hazardous air pollutants" with no safe exposure levels: acetaldehyde and 1,4-dioxane, both likely human carcinogens; and methyl chloride, which has been linked to liver, kidney and nervous-system damage in animals.
Contaminated Without Consent video (Environmental Working Group) Search more than 2000 products.
Cosmetics (Environmental Working Group) Search more than 78,000 products.
What's Inside? That Counts Toxic Ingredients in our Cosmetics from the David Suzuki Foundation
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics