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Aminopyralid and chloryralid

Aminopyralid: We Need  to Stop This (No Dig Home blog, 13 June 2019)

After reading this blog post, I did some research on aminopyralid. 

The most concise and objective article I found was ChemicalWatch Factsheet Aminopyralid (Beyond Pesticides)  which recounts several incidents of manure and hay contamination which led to crop losses. 

The PANNA pesticide data base shows mostly ? for major effects, likely because the chemical has has been registered reasonably recently (2005 in the US, 2006-12 in Canada)   and there have been no independent reviews. Also note that the US registration was conditional which means that all the mandatory tests were not performed. 

PMRA label search indicates 11 current Canadian labels. (22 August 2019). The product names include MilestoneRestoreClearview and Reclaim.

The National Library of Medicine HSDB Database (TOXNET) also has a page on Aminopyralid  'Occupational exposure to aminopyralid may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where aminopyralid is produced or used.'

I found very few scientific articles on google but this one was interesting:

Aminopyralid soil residues affect rotational vegetable crops in Florida 16 March 2011 (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI 10.1002/ps.2119 Spraying with aminopyralid of the bahiagrass used in rotation caused severe damage to following crops.

Clopyralid is apparently not registered in Canada at this time.