Smell, Loss of
filed under Health/Nervous System Effects/ Parkinson Disease, Low Dose Effects
Implications for Human Health: Chronic Inhalation of Paraquat in Low-Doses Disrupts Sense of Smell SNAP Comment: As of 9 March 3021, the PMRA still lists 3 paraquat labels as being registered in Canada. The commercial product is Gramoxone 200 SL (Beyond Pesticides, February 18, 2021) 'New research published in the journal Toxicological Sciences finds extended inhalation of the common herbicide paraquat causes male mice to lose some sense of smell, even at low doses. This study highlights the significance of understanding how specific chemical exposure routes can influence disease development. Olfactory (relating to the sense of smell) impairment is a precursory feature of Parkinson’s disease (PD), and studies connect paraquat poisoning to PD risk.'
Acute Pesticide Incidents May Lead to Loss of Smell (Beyond Pesticides, January, 23, 2019) 'Analyzing data from questions asked during the original 1993 survey, researchers found that farmers that reported a history of HPEE at the outset were 49% more likely to experience olfactory impairment than farmers that did not...But scientists found that the route of exposure mattered little, with farmers reporting roughly the same loss of smell whether the HPEE involved either internal or dermal impacts. Significant associations were also found for particular pesticides. Specifically, two legacy organochlorine insecticides, DDT and lindane, as well as the herbicides alachlor, metolachlor, 2,4-D, and pendimethalin were all singled out within the study. also discusses previous studies.