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Birth Defects

Birth Abnormalities Linked to Pesticide Exposures  (Beyond Pesticides, August 31, 2017) Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara report in a new study that exposure to pesticides as a result of living near agricultural areas increases the risk of giving birth to a baby with abnormalities. These results are more significant for those exposed to very high levels of pesticides, underscoring the continued risks faced by farmworkers and farmworker families, especially mothers living near chemically-intensive treated fields. The study, “Agricultural pesticide use and adverse birth outcomes in the San Joaquin Valley of California,” looked at individual birth and demographic characteristics for over 500,000 birth observations between 1997 and 2011 in the agriculturally dominated San Joaquin Valley, California. The researchers, who report their findings as, “the most comprehensive to date,

Argentine and Brazilian doctors suspect mosquito insecticide as cause of microcephaly (Claire Robinson / GMWatch10th February 2016)  With the proposed connection between the Zika virus and Brazil's outbreak of microcephaly in new born babies looking increasingly tenuous, Latin American doctors are proposing another possible cause: Pyriproxyfen, a pesticide used in Brazil since 2014 to arrest the development of mosquito larvae in drinking water tanks. Might the 'cure' in fact be the poison?......"Abrasco also names Pyriproxyfen as a possible cause of the microcephaly. It condemns the strategy of chemical control of Zika-carrying mosquitoes, which it says is contaminating the environment as well as people and is not decreasing the numbers of mosquitoes."...."Instead Abrasco suggests that this strategy is in fact driven by the commercial interests of the chemical industry, which it says is deeply integrated into the Latin American ministries of health, as well as the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organisation"....Abrasco adds that the disease is closely linked to environmental degradation: floods caused by logging and the massive use of herbicides on (GM) herbicide-tolerant soy crops - in short, "the impacts of extractive industries."...go to http://www.snapinfo.ca/issues/wnv to find the best alternatives to mosquito control.

RoundUp and Birth Defects (10 June 2011) An international team of highly respected scientists has just released a stunning report, Roundup and Birth Defects, proving that Monsanto and industry regulators have known for decades that Monsanto’s top-selling weedkiller, Roundup, causes birth defects in laboratory animals.

Association between the time of conception, pesticide levels, and the likelihood of crippling or fatal birth defects - interview with neonatologist Paul Winchester. (2009) The birth defects covered in this article: spina bifida, cleft pallet and lip, down syndrome, urogenital abnormalities, club foot and extensive extensive urogenital defects in males. 

Use of Insect Repellent Associated With Birth Defect      (Beyond Pesticides, December 3, 2009) Pregnant women should reconsider applying DEET insect repellent after a study finds a link to an increasingly common birth defect. European researchers have found a significant association between mothers who used insect repellent in the earliest phase of pregnancy and an increased rate of “hypospadias” in the penises of their male children.

Low-Level Pesticide Exposure In Utero Linked to Impacts on Behavior and Hormones (Beyond Pesticides, November 17, 2009) According to a new study, exposure to low levels of the organophosphate insecticide chorpyrifos during pregnancy can impair learning, change brain function and alter thyroid levels of offspring into adulthood for tested mice, especially females. ...Posted in Agriculture, Birth defects, Chemicals, Chlorpyrifos, Corporations, Disease/Health Effects, Dow Chemical, Endocrine Disruption

Reproductive Toxicity from Organophosphate Pesticides II: congenital malformations. Gomes . Lloyd O, et al.  Fourth international symposium "rural health and safety in a changing world".October 18-22 1998,  under Chemicals Exposure, Toxicology and Human Health - presentation O 73. Significant increases in the incidences of congenital malformations from exposure to cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides were observed. Intestinal and heart defects were observed only at high-dose exposures.