The thyroid is one of the master glands of the body. Proper thyroid gland function regulates body metabolism, blood calcium levels, energy, excess fats, hormones, oxygen, weight loss as well as growth of the foetus. Some effects on the thyroid may also be considered endocrine disrupting. Over 70 pesticides are known disruptors of the thyroid gland.
Underactive thyroid linked to pesticide exposure (PanUps, 19 Feb,2010- scroll down) The study found that wives of farmers who had been exposed to certain pesticides had a 12.5% incidence rate of thyroid diseases; compared to 1-8% n the general population. In the study of 44 pesticides, links to hypothyroidism (i.e., an under-active thyroid) increased significantly for exposure to organochlorine insecticides -- such as aldrin, DDT, and lindane, fungicides, and the herbicide paraquat. Maneb/mancozeb was the only chemical studied that upped the risk of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.