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Body Burdens

see also cancerglyphosate children, children 2, .body burdens

Body Burdens is the load of toxins which accumulate in the human body.The average North American carries over 500 toxic chemicals in his/her body, including several pesticides.

Residential Areas and Early Postnatal Complications for Pregnant Women Tied to Banned and Current Pesticides    (Beyond Pesticides, May 31, 2023) A study published in Chemosphere supports accumulating scientific research confirming that prohibited and current use pesticides are readily detectable in the human placenta. All pregnant women experience exposure to a mixture of complex pesticides like DDT (prohibited organochlorine pesticide OCP) and chlorpyrifos (current use organophosphate OP), with concentrations high enough to increase possible adverse health risks to the fetus through a placental transfer of chemicals.Prenatal development in the intrauterine environment is one of the most vulnerable periods of exposure, as the fetus is most susceptible to the harmful effects of chemical contaminants.    tudy done in chemical-intensive fruit production area in Patagonia, Argentina. ...the researchers find a concentration of 23 pesticidestrifluralin (herbicide), chlorothalonil and HCB (fungicides), chlorpyrifos (insecticide), and organochlorines like HCHs, endosulfans, DDTs, chlordane, heptachlor, drins, and metoxichlor. Among urban and rural residential settings, rural groups of pregnant women have significantly higher levels of chlorpyrifos. However, DDT and chlorpyrifos are the major constituents of placentas regardless of urban or rural residency.     SNAP Comment: There are still 21 chlorpyrifos, 27 (from 46 historically) trifluralin, 25 (from 68 historically) chlorothalonil commercial formulations registered in Canada at this time. DDT, chlordane, heptachlor, aldrin and many other organochlorine were also historically registered.

Unique Hair Testing Project Reveals High Levels of Glyphosate in Members of the Japanese Parliament (Sustainable Pulse, Aug 29 2019)   'The Detox Project’s Director, Henry Rowlands, stated Thursday; “This unique testing project was made possible by the development of new hair testing methods that have enabled our long-term exposure to pesticides to be identified for the first time. Urine and blood testing only give us a very short-term picture of exposure, whereas hair testing gives us the real and full picture of what we have been exposed to over the long-term and thus what we need to avoid.”'  'From the 28 hair samples taken 75% of them tested positive for long-term pesticide exposure, with a total of 14 pesticides being detected.'   'The pesticides detected included Cyprodinil, Fipronil Sulfone, Iprovalicarb, Metolachlor, Propiconazole, Pyraclostrobin, Spiroxamine, Tebuconazole, Tetramethrin, Transfluthrin, Trifloxystrobin, Glyphosate, AMPA, Glufosinate.' out of 60 tested for. 'Four of those pesticides were found in over 10% of the samplesTebuconazole ( a fungicide) – 10.7%, Transfluthrin (an insecticide) – 14.3 %, Glyphosate (a herbicide) – 32.1%, AMPA (the main metabolite of glyphosate) – 53.6%'   'The results for glyphosate and AMPA included regular levels of over 33 and 166 ppb respectively with the highest results of 791 ppb for glyphosate and 1205 ppb for AMPA.'  ''The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries reported that 90% of U.S. wheat imports and an even higher % of Canadian wheat imports contain glyphosate residues, mainly due to the practice of pre-harvest spraying'

Kids Carry Higher Levels of Glyphosate in Their Bodies than Adults, Study Finds  (Beyond Pesticides, August 7, 2019) significantly higher. '...recent data from the American Cancer Society (ACS) indicat)es) that pediatric cancer in the U.S. surged by almost 50% from 1975 to 2015... Results showed that over 90% of participants had been recently exposed to glyphosate. In most child/parent pairs, the child’s body had surprisingly higher concentrations of glyphosate (up to 4 times that of the parent), supporting research that glyphosate poses a greater threat to children. While the American Cancer society (ACS) is for the most part silent on the impact of pesticides on childhood cancer, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) recognizes these risks. (links)  

Study Finds Majority of Germans Have Glyphosate in their Bodies (Beyond Pesticides, March 8, 2016) According to the study, 99.6% of the 2,009 German citizens monitored have some level of glyphosate found in their urine. Over 75% of these individuals have concentrations that are higher than the EU’s legal level for glyphosate in drinking water. Further, children up to age 19 are found to exhibit higher levels of urinary glyphosate than older adults. Individuals living near agricultural areas also show elevated concentrations compared to those that did not. NOTE: European drinking water standards are generally based on the precautionary principle and much lower than in the US and Canada.